Without really realising it, another month has passed by here in Berlin (its almost October for fricks sake). The most striking part of this speedy passing of time is that I'm not really sure what I've been doing to make it go so quickly. But I do think its quite positive, a sign of settling into my life here, that things are becoming regular and every day, rather than those things being out of the ordinary and blog worthy (as when I first moved here). Not to say that things have become ordinary and boring though, quite the opposite, just that I'm getting used to having fun crazy things happening all the time.
The most fun of these recent events was looking after the little doggy, Daisy for the weekend. Now, not to put down all the good times I've had with one's human associates, but well, she is a dog, and if you know me you know where my heart lies in such matters. Much entertainment was had, although we did fall into a bit of a feedback loop. Me with my happiness to play with dogs at any given moment, as much as possible and her with her "take up any and all opportunities to play" attitude. Combine this with my love of walking and her love of sniffing and by the end of the weekend we'd pretty much worn each other out. But there was, of course, time for a little photo shoot :

All together now, awwwww.
Other than that I've been spending quite a bit of time out being all cosmopolitan, doing brunch (and occasionally actual lunch) with people and eating at various restaurants (although the Russian Gorki Park is still my fav, with The Bird's burgers coming in a close second). Had some rather good food at a little Mexican place just round the corner from where I live and it seemed to actually be Mexican food (rather than the bland pre-packed taco kit type food my English palette is used to), was rather yumo indeed. Add onto this randomly bumping into friends whilst being there (Berlin is a big city so this happens infrequently) and a little rainbow smiling down on us and it was rather pleasant :

Other than the foodage I've tried to be a little on the cultural side, mostly (and only) by seeing the odd free opera concert thingymabob. ie. :
only a bit pap as I had to share it with a billion other people :

Plus, as if you ever doubted there would be, lots of drunken nights out. The most lairy of which was a night bouncing around bars with a group of guys, all doing our best to be loud and obnoxious drunked English speakers (you have to keep the stereotypes up now and again). Although I do think I need a better social drink for myself. Vodka is all well and yummy but as I think I've mentioned in the past, here in Berlin they like to be a little liberal with their measures. The result being any night of hanging out for a couple of drinks in a bar gets me quite drunk indeed. One's liver is beginning to protest.
The only downside to this past month though, is that the regular Thursday night ToyTown drinks that I go to has somewhat descended into a horrific meat market, populated by idiotic immature rutting imbeciles. Imagine a gaggle of cave men wandering around in a fenced off pen bumping into things and each other, then a girl is thrown in their midst, they all surround her, rub up against her vigorously, ug-ing it up to the max and trying to bonk her on the head with alcoholic clubs. Its quite irritating to say the least. The worst of this though is that people have started to lump me in with the ug-o's. Am I the only one that understands you can talk to, hang out with and become friends with a girl without wanting to slip her a bit of the pink love monster? It doesn't seem that difficult a concept to grasp.
And lastly, my favourite picture finding of late :

I want all my orange juice with juicy tits from now on.