This was taken on the 14th March, fecking snow.
I've actually forgotten what life is like without seeing at least a little bit of snow every day, every time i venture out into the wilderness I have a little look around, "Maybe that big pile thats in the courtyard has finally melted!" I think, but it always ends in a "Oh, no, theres still a little dribble of the shit left". Not that I really mind the snow per-say, just, a bit of change would be nice. Saying that, the last week or so here has been some classic English winter weather, a bit grey with little drips of pissy rain every now and again, its made me just a little homesick.
The other thing that the retreat of the snow has done is reveal the detritus thats been gathering underneath. Mostly it appears to be all the fireworks from New Year (yes, thats how long the snow has been there) and around 4 billion mummified dog turds.
Big Pile of Snow Shit
The other remnant of the winter is enough gravel to pave the moon, all over every possible walking surface in the city.
The cost of this, 1) actually putting it repeatedly on the snow, and 2) then having to get people with brushes out to remove it all, bemuses me. USE SOME FECKING SALT NEXT TIME.
Otherwise I've been working, drinking and spending my time learning German (and actually getting somewhere with it), not helped by things like this (which, if you hadn't guessed already, irk me some) :
Now, apart from the hilarity of catching the mong at the bottom of the pic, why oh why is the menu in Germglish. Creamy Apple Pie next to Heisse Orange mit Ingwer. Mixed languages indeed. People, we're in Germany, put the menu in German! Or in the very least pick one language and stick to it. (on a separate note, their 'Coffee Creations' are fucking orgasmic)
My other recent quibble, are these fuckwits in the orange and yellow :
Now, I get the whole "Strap an explosive bottle to you back and grill sausages on your crotch to sell to loser tourists" thing, but why, why! are they both stood outside the entrance to Saturn facing inwards? Do people visiting Saturn (an electronics shop for those not in the know) have a desperate need for penis shaped bun snacks? Twats.
Other activities this month have included regular Thursday night drinks attendance :
Pool has been played (I may of potted the black when I shouldn't of) :
Pub quizzes have been won (even if it is only the one time out of many) :
and the best ice tube tray in existence has been found :
Oh, and I found this little gem in a local tacky chocolate shop :
My first thought was "Anally Raped Bunny", which perhaps says something too much about my psyche. Others have gone for "Orgasmic Bunny", or the slightly more normal reaction of "Very Happy Bunny". In fact, your reaction to it is a good rating of your likelihood to become a serial killer.
Photography has been taking up more and more of my time and I'm just about to start investing in some second hand film cameras, hopefully (if I enjoy the whole analog world again) leading to getting a little dark room going for my own developing. Although, to enjoy them on here, I'd be taking a film picture, developing it, taking a picture of it with a digital camera and then uploading it. A process I think I'll sadistically rather enjoy.
Went to an abandoned NSA listening post a few weeks back and got a couple of good pics here and there. The most fun part was we actually had to break in place to take them. Now, being a good English person, when doing this I assume that there will be some kind of security there, or even that the process of breaking through a fence is frowned upon. But, then (after finding another 30 random people already there) I remembered its Berlin and such things are viewed quite differently.
Heres a selection and a few more from random city jaunts.

Yes, they are toy robots nailed to the wall behind the bar