Sunday, 21 June 2009

A Hungover Sunday in Berlin

Last night was drinks at Hairy Marys (only 4 but I was rather smasharooed, they do like their large measures here), today was being hungover and stumbling around the city. Discovered that today is some big street music festival here in Berlin (and possibly worldwide from the looks of the website) which was a pleasant surprise aswell as a hindrance (loud music doesn't help a headache). So I wandered down to my current favourite coffee shop (its very brown) for a mocha, sat down and then this happened :

Now, its not that its particularly good music (ie. it was a bit shit) but it was a nice novelty accopmaniment to my coffee. Someone had just put a few speakers and microphones down on the pavement and various bands were popping in and playing, it seemed slightly organised but only in the most flimsy of ways. I then proceeded to wander around the rest of Prenzlauer Berg, having to dodge dancing people, drummers, DJ's, guitarists et al. Basically anyone with any kind of musical instrument or device just was finding a spot on the street and setting up, then a small crowd of passers by would stop, listen and then move on. Most fun indeed. There were a couple of more organised gatherings with stages but it was the smaller stuff that was the best, especially odd/good as no-one had hats or other such stereotypical busking shit infront of them.

Then this evening I was disturbed from my meal by some noisy folk outside, popped out on the balcony and was greeted with more musical fun :

Still shit, but entertaining none the less. All in all, a good day.

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