The past 24 hours (literally) has exemplified just why it is I've moved to Berlin. It started at pretty much this time last night when I headed to a church just around the corner for a party/art exhibition/bbq type thing. Was a little unsure what to expect, mostly as I've never been to a party at a church before, but as its Berlin it wasn't quite what you'd associate with such a thing. It consisted of about 40 people sat/stood around, just outside the entrance, getting pissed and stuffing their faces with food whilst having a laugh. Occasionally ambling into the church itself to have a looksy at the various artworks hanging around :

This sounds far more pretentious than it was (not atall. honestly). Either that or wander up the rather dangerous (at least when pissed) stair case :

for a rather good view of Berlin (well, its here as much as my camera phone will allow. ie, not really a good view) :

The best part of the whole experience was later in the evening, when I may of been slightly drunked on vodka, stumbling through the church to go for a jimmy-riddle whilst two guys were singing hymns acoompanied by an organ. Not what my drunken mind is used to and quite surreal.
After that was a drink or two in Scotch and Soda (themed, but none the worse for it, if you hadn't guessed) and then it was suggested that we go to one of the party goers houses and sit on their roof terrace, have a couple of drinks and soak in the Berlin night. All great apart from the fact that when getting there and being pointed to go up the stairs to the roof we couldn't find said roof. You wouldn't think it'd be that difficult, but what were looking for was a door with some stairs leading to a decked garden type of thing. What we found were two derelict looking apartments without lights and with crumbling floors, imagine the set of Hostel or Hannibal Lecters' basement and you get the idea.
But after stumbling around while our alcohol addled brains tried to process the fact that we may about to be killed, we found a ladder. This led to a little hatch and then to just the open (creaky) roof. So we sat there for a short time and had a drink, looking at the tv tower whilst seemingly the rest of Berlin laughed and shouted, it was really like there were parties going on all around us. A final couple of drinks were then had in Hairy Marys ending up with me arriving into bed at about 6am.
6 hours of sleep later I was waking up to go for brunch, not the best of ideas in a drunken state you may think, and you may be right. The first thing that I noticed when walking out of my apartment though, was that today was hotter than satans ball bag. The second thing I noticed is that I wasn't anywhere near awake or in a state of functionality. But (fortunately) after stuffing my face with a breakfast buffet and drinking a rather large coffee whilst being roasted by the sun I was feeling a little better. The rest of the afternoon was then spent sitting in the park chatting shit and having a laugh, eating some rather good chocolate and banana ice cream, going to another park and sitting around listening to some music :

And then finishing the day up with a trip to The Bird, a rather good American style Burger place, where I ate approximately half a cow in 3 minutes flat (it was that good) and had a humongous mound of fries to wash it down with.
All in all a most pleasurable time.
And finally :
Not my usual style, but it does make me giggle.
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