At some point after midnight, probably around 1 or 2am, my memory of the night stops and is just a series of more and more disconcerting flashes. The first is singing on rock band. Not too bad. Then randomly ringing up people whilst standing in the kitchen. Not advisable when so drunk, but not too bad. Mixing myself a drink and being told off for using all the malibu. Pretty bad, as I believe there was quite a lot left previously. After that it gets a little more sketchy. I remember vomiting in the bathroom, not quite making it to the toilet, but probably getting most of it into the bowl. Then trying to clean up the mess i'd made on the floor (and probably making it much worse).
I've then no idea what happened. I've no idea how my friends go wind of the fact that I'd been throwing up or what they did about it. But they were taking care of me and i found myself outside on a bench with my coat on (I just hope I didn't vomit anywhere else within the house and they had to put me outside). I sat there shivering away in a state of complete confusion, throwing up a little more here and there and clinging onto my friends hand for dear life. I was then put into a car and driven home, in itself a very scary experience. I had my head in a bucket from what i remember, a bucket with a tesco bag in, but i don't think I was sick again. What I do remember is trying to look out of the window if the car to see where I was and not being able to. My eyes didn't work. At that point I was terrified. I've never been so drunk that I felt like I could just die from the sheer confusion of it all. I just stared into my bucket asking for help and sobbing occasionally.
They got me home, I remember shouting out my alarm code whilst not being able to stand up outside my door, and somehow they got me into bed (hopefully carty didn't get the job of removing ones trousers). I then woke up at 7am wondering just what the hell happened.
Its only the second time in my life I've thrown up on a night of drinking (the next morning doesn't count) and quite possibly the most out of control I've ever been. I'm just glad I have some good friends who looked out for me.
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