Skins used to be a rather good TV show, aimed at kids but with rather good stories and characters, but only ran for two series in its original form. They've not relaunched it with only two characters remaining, and small, bit part
caricatures rather than any fleshed out real human types. The rest of the cast seems to be filled with irritating stereotypes who bear little resemblance to anything other than a tabloid view of what kids are like. And most of the jokes seem to of the 'lets swear and throw in a nob gag now and again' type, which I do like, but that was never the point of skins. It was a serious drama show hidden underneath a
vail of teenage flotsam and gibberish.

Thankfully though, there is a little saving grace. I almost switched off the episode and then something magical happened, the genius that is Ardal O'hanlon appeared as a pissed off, swearing grumpy teacher who can't be arsed with all the self help pamphlet shite that is dished out to them. There may be hope yet.
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