Saturday, 21 February 2009

Putting Zeros and Ones in Order

I took ownership of a nice new Western Digital My Passport 500Gb drive this week, and my is it nice and spanky good, all sleek and black n shiny n stuff.  So most of my time has been spent organising my entire digital life and backing it up onto said drive.  I opted for the larger 500Gb drive as my thinking was "I've been dabbling around in the world of computers for many many years now and I've accumulated a vast array of personally created quality videos, photos, mp3's and other various digital flotsam.  I'll need such a large drive to fit ALL of it on.".

I have since discovered that my digital footprint is somewhat smaller than i first though.  Around 360Gb smaller infact.  And I'm now left with a mostly empty external hard drive, feeling somewhat deflated and wondering where all that stuff that I thought I'd done actually went.  Nowhere I think, as it only existed inside ones neurons.

On the flip side though, its been quite fun discovering little random videos that I'd made here and there, flicking through old travel movies and generally being all nostalgic (one of my favourite pastimes).  Still my favourite of the short films we made many years ago is this one about making some chicken soup and how it can improve your outlook on life :

Written, filmed and mostly edited all in one night, it was most fun indeed.

This week I am wishing I was as cool as this guy.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

My Architects Stuff - About Time!

Finally got around to uploading a few of the My Architects pictures, taken in the years of following them around on their musical adventures.  There mostly from around the UK with a few of the Canadian tour, few promo pics that we took and a few pictures for cd covers and website backgrounds etc.  Enjoy.

Also, theres the video I made from the Canadian Tour :

Part 1

and Part 2

Oh, and the music video I did for the single Airborne, almost forgot :)

Monday, 16 February 2009

Some of my favourite Picture Findings of late

A little collection of photographic gems from the world of the interweb (mostly the great :

Lego Hawkings

Content Dog

I want some non-real chicken

Just what the hell is going on here?


Spelling is hard

And the ultimate crowning glory :



Not a whole lot going on at the moment, well, other than I have spent the past months working out a complete change of life/career.  Spending hours looking over jobs, weighing them up based upon their merits, amount of fun and prospects/pay, is somewhat of a thankless/boring task but ultimately fruitful.  At least in the fact that I know there are a hell of a lot of jobs out there that I plainly do not want to do (in fact this stretches to practically all jobs as, obviously, I'd much rather do nothing and have money).  But I did come up with a good list of 57 that I'd like to try, after a little more whittling and fine tuning I've reduced this to a good 12 career paths to try.  Have now just finished working these into a fairly coherent plan of try this, then try this, if thats shit, then try this.  Ultimately though I'm deceiving myself (in a nice way though), as my actual plan is to do all the trying above, fully expecting it not to work out as planned and general life to happen around it.  The big plan is just a facilitator, but shhhh, don't tell me that or it might not work.

Other than that, I've been listening a lot to two very good bands :


They're both a bit different (well, bird n t' bee are a little more pop-y but don't let that interfere with listening to them), give them a listen.

And I've also become famous (actually, not in the slightest bit) thanks to the badmovieclub.  Having people pick out my drunken tweeted ramblings as funny is a nice little comforting thing :)  My Tweets

And if I could only be as cool as this guy, then I'd be a happy bunny.

Saturday, 14 February 2009


Bad Wine

Apple and Cheese

The Happening paused on the opening screen

Laptop with TweetDeck installed and running

This is how my night of BadMovieClub started, a seemingly silly idea to have a lot of people on the internet watch a bad film all at the same time and comment on it via twitter. Only thing being, its not a silly idea, its an addictive idea, very addictive. I don't think i watched much of the beginning of the film as I was following the ridiculous amount of posts people were making. That combined with the general lunacy of the films plot was a heady mix.

So 30 minutes into the film, the experiment in mass watching isn't going so great. I'm quite enjoying it but there are one or two hundred too many people tweetering away, updates are coming in at around 30 every 15 seconds or so, too many to keep up. But there are a few little gems of the tweet world every now and again so it keeps some of my attention.

I soon realised that the trick is not to read what everyone is saying, as i'd be spending more time reading a lot of inane crap rather than watching the film. So, just glancing back and too, getting into a nice rhythm with it, picking up the odd funny comment by people, it definitely added to the experience. It kind of led to a confirmation that most people are pretty much the same (in a good way, rather than a bland way), I'd see something on the screen, think about how odd it was or something weird that i'd infered from it or think something just plain silly (like where's Ferris when Alan Ruck appears) and bam, i'd refresh twitter and see other people posting the exact same though. Uniformity can be comforting and nice.

The whole thing was really rather fun, watching a film with a group of dislocated strangers, doesn't sound like it would be, but it was.

Theres another showing at midnight with Phil Jupitus as the celebrity host, don't think I can manage two viewings in one night. No matter how delectable Zooey Deschanel is.

Incase you're wondering what the hell all this is, check out :

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Star Trek and Snow

Is it just me or can nobody else take Simon Pegs serious expression in this photo seriously?  I'm sure one day I'll be able to do so, but I've seen him being far too silly in far too many things that I can't help but giggle at his steely menacing-eyes look.   And also, why is everyone pretty much looking straight on at the camera apart from the only woman in the pic?  Is it supposed to be a sultry look off to the side to feign how sexy she is or to give the impression that this sneaky woman just popped her head into the big man shot at the last second?  Either seems equally ridiculous.

But, saying all that, my balls are literally tingling with excitement at the new Star Trek film, it looks so amazingly awesome.  Now I'm sure there are gonna be some bits in it that make me wince, but the space battles look like they'll numb my brain enough with pure joy that I will no longer care about any cheesey moments or clunky dialogue.

Now, take a look at the picture above.  This is my experience of "The Worst Snow to hit Britain in 18 Years" as the BBC News website more or less puts it.  The far left is the morning of Day 1 of this catastrophe, the second picture is the afternoon and the third is Day 2 of Britain in Chaos.  Now, personally, I don't think it was that big of a deal.  Even the pictures I've seen of the rest of the country were a bit grim, but for an hour or two during a snow storm.  Can these things really bring the whole country to a stand still?  When did we become such pansies?