Is it just me or can nobody else take Simon Pegs serious expression in this photo seriously? I'm sure one day I'll be able to do so, but I've seen him being far too silly in far too many things that I can't help but giggle at his steely menacing-eyes look. And also, why is everyone pretty much looking straight on at the camera apart from the only woman in the pic? Is it supposed to be a sultry look off to the side to feign how sexy she is or to give the impression that this sneaky woman just popped her head into the big man shot at the last second? Either seems equally ridiculous.
But, saying all that, my balls are literally tingling with excitement at the new Star Trek film, it looks so amazingly awesome. Now I'm sure there are gonna be some bits in it that make me wince, but the space battles look like they'll numb my brain enough with pure joy that I will no longer care about any cheesey moments or clunky dialogue.
Now, take a look at the picture above. This is my experience of "The Worst Snow to hit Britain in 18 Years" as the BBC News website more or less puts it. The far left is the morning of Day 1 of this catastrophe, the second picture is the afternoon and the third is Day 2 of Britain in Chaos. Now, personally, I don't think it was that big of a deal. Even the pictures I've seen of the rest of the country were a bit grim, but for an hour or two during a snow storm. Can these things really bring the whole country to a stand still? When did we become such pansies?
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