I have since discovered that my digital footprint is somewhat smaller than i first though. Around 360Gb smaller infact. And I'm now left with a mostly empty external hard drive, feeling somewhat deflated and wondering where all that stuff that I thought I'd done actually went. Nowhere I think, as it only existed inside ones neurons.
On the flip side though, its been quite fun discovering little random videos that I'd made here and there, flicking through old travel movies and generally being all nostalgic (one of my favourite pastimes). Still my favourite of the short films we made many years ago is this one about making some chicken soup and how it can improve your outlook on life :
Written, filmed and mostly edited all in one night, it was most fun indeed.
This week I am wishing I was as cool as this guy.

Amazing film mate, I remember Jay asking you to show it me ages ago! I love the bit where you get up to add to the soup making process! A triumph!
I laughed, I cried, I threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Delightful piece of cinema. And no one believes me when I tell them that soup CAN change your life.
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