Monday, 16 February 2009


Not a whole lot going on at the moment, well, other than I have spent the past months working out a complete change of life/career.  Spending hours looking over jobs, weighing them up based upon their merits, amount of fun and prospects/pay, is somewhat of a thankless/boring task but ultimately fruitful.  At least in the fact that I know there are a hell of a lot of jobs out there that I plainly do not want to do (in fact this stretches to practically all jobs as, obviously, I'd much rather do nothing and have money).  But I did come up with a good list of 57 that I'd like to try, after a little more whittling and fine tuning I've reduced this to a good 12 career paths to try.  Have now just finished working these into a fairly coherent plan of try this, then try this, if thats shit, then try this.  Ultimately though I'm deceiving myself (in a nice way though), as my actual plan is to do all the trying above, fully expecting it not to work out as planned and general life to happen around it.  The big plan is just a facilitator, but shhhh, don't tell me that or it might not work.

Other than that, I've been listening a lot to two very good bands :


They're both a bit different (well, bird n t' bee are a little more pop-y but don't let that interfere with listening to them), give them a listen.

And I've also become famous (actually, not in the slightest bit) thanks to the badmovieclub.  Having people pick out my drunken tweeted ramblings as funny is a nice little comforting thing :)  My Tweets

And if I could only be as cool as this guy, then I'd be a happy bunny.

1 comment:

Britswitch said...

Wow he's a snazzy gent! if only we could all live with that sort of confidence