Tuesday 1 June 2010

Peoples Relationship with the Weather

I've noticed recently (and also not so recently) that people have a tendency to really bitch and moan about the weather.  I thought that this was just a particular trait of English people (or more specifically people in Warrington), but it seems that its a universal, worldwide bitch fest.

I'll run you down what the average person seems to do (from my point of view) :
  1. During Winter - "Its Winter!!!! AND ITS COLD!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!", "Its Snowing! Why isn't it sunny?  Why is there frozen water falling out of the sky!!", "This is so shit, when is it going to be summer again!  I'm COLD!"
  2. During Spring - "OMG, this is the longest winter ever!!!! Why isn't it summer yet?", "We're not even going to get a summer this year!!  We had a couple of days of warmth last week, thats it!  I'm COLD!!!", "ITS RAINING!!!!!  WTF!!!! What is this, why is it happening!!"
  3. During Summer - "Yay, its sunny and warm most of the time", "Why can't i be warm like this all of the time??", "It rained last weekend, I bet theres no clouds in the sky in Spain"
  4. During Autumn - "Thats it, the summer is over, its winter now, completely shit until next summer", "Why did all the sun have to end!!!  Why is it COLD AGAIN!!!"
Now, this can all simply be fixed with a simple point of view change.  These facts illustrate my point :
  1. We live in the northern hemisphere, we have seasons.  Deal with it or fuck off.
  2. Spring is supposed to be a little warm, sometimes cold and mostly rainy with some hot days.  This is the way it is most every year, don't act like its a big surprise/end of the world every time.
  3. You can avoid being cold for the 3/4 of the year it isn't summer by WEARING APPROPRIATE CLOTHES and not being a moron.
  4. Sunshine and Warmth are nice, but they aren't here all year round, accept this fact and get on with your life.  Acting like it is summer because you want it to be won't help.
  5. Embrace the changes between the seasons, they avoid the monotony of never changing weather.
Doing these simple things will improve blood pressure levels no end and will mean that I no longer have to listen to the whines of 99% of the population.

Fortunately though, its summer soon and I can have a little revenge by bitching and moaning about the excessive heat.  Its only for a few months, but blissful none the less :o)

1 comment:

Alysia said...

I think it's more a case of never seeing the sun. Ever.

The temperature doesn't really bother me, but if I don't get some vitamin D soon, I'm going to die.