Sunday 13 February 2011

Back to the UK : Part 2 - Warrington-ness

Giant Dirty Buttplugs


Whilst a dislike of Warrington was never a part of why I moved to Berlin, I did become a little less fond of the place after my recent visit.  Its not that its a particularly bad place (apart from the humongous Chav population and weekly stabbings/glassings in the town centre), but I came to realise that I've started taking everything in Berlin for granted.  The idea that I can get to pretty much everything I want within 10 minutes walk/tram seems normal and this simple thing is not possible there.

But, Warrington isn't without its highlights.  For instance, look at the picture at the top of the blog, someone actually thought that they would be a good idea!

The main high street is as dead as it looks here.

But, in the shopping mall, they do now have some nice (cheapo) German shops.

But, I was not in Town to see the sights.  The plan was to meet up with a friend for a coffee.  So, off I went to Starbucks and was greeted by this.

Now, I think this picture sums up Warrington quite well.  OLD people.  (plus, look at the guy on the far right, they are the only people that should wear a flat cap, old grey haired men.  This is why I will never buy one until I am at such an age.)

A little further down the main high street is this memorial fountain for the bombing in '93.  Look at it, why would anyone walk down here and think, yes, this is obviously a hive of activity, I'll bomb that.

The town centre is where most people go out to drink, so of a Friday night there are a gazillion people mulling around, bumping in to each other looking to start a fight, in such lovely establishments as these

If only the sign was meant for everything. 

A 90's bar.  Indeed.


After the brief reminiscence in the town centre, I had a chance to visit the Trafford Centre.  A colossal cheese turd of a place (which is quite good for shopping in).  Just look at it.

Only after having quite a break to I find myself now asking, "Why did they design the food court area to look like a ship?".  It must of all seemed natural when I first went, now it just seems a bit mental.  (plus, I believe the 'gourmet burger kitchen' is anything but such a thing).

But, the place is full of a ridiculous number of shops.  And, get this, more than 2 or 3 of them contain clothes for adult males!!! OMFG!!!  As in, I could, if I wanted, not look like a chav!  I got slightly overwhelmed with the choice and bought lots.  (if you can't read inbetween the lines, what I'm saying is that Berlin shops are a giant sexist conspiracy theory, clothes for women and stripy topped youths only!)

But, then, upon walking out, I had this cheese slapped in my face.

That is "The Great Hall".  Full of painted concrete and the set piece from close encounters of the third kind.

In conclusion, as Part 1, there wasn't as much choice as I remember there being.  It was better in a few ways, but not the place of all that my rose tinted glasses remembered.

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