Tuesday 16 November 2010

New York - Day 6 - Giving in to the Inner Tourist


It was my last full day in New York and I could fight my inner wank tourist no more (thats a tourist that is wank, not a tourist of all things wank related).  I had to go and visit the main tourist sights.

The first, Rockerfeller.
The ice rink I've seen in a gazillion films.  Was kind of underwhelming, as real life often is when compaired to its hollywoodised counterpart.
 I did quite like the building though.
 And to be honest, I wouldn't of gone there if it wasn't for watching 30 Rock and seeing this thing all the time.

The next 3 images sum up around 45 minutes of my life I won't get back.
 Picture representation of 'America' in its worst (and yes, I know, Timmy Ho Ho's isn't really American)
The Centre of Wanksville.

Basically, I walked through and got out of there as fast as was humanly possible.  I had THE Empire State building to go and see!! WOW!! Can't Wait!!!

I got there, and this is all I could see.
That could be ANY building.  It is indeed much shitter up close.  This appears to be a building that is best viewed from a distance.  I couldn't even go inside as there were 4 guys stood near the doorway with M4A1's trying to look mean.
Next was the last of my Ghostbusters locations.  The New York Public Library!!!  Alas, it was covered with scafolding so all I could do was go "oooo, thats the lion from the film" and take a picture.  Then walk on.

The worst part of MidTown done, I got out of there.  Quickly.  Can you guess what I went to do?

Afternoon Coffee and Angry Squirrel

Next on my list was Stumptown Coffee Roasters, just around the corner.  So off I went, got there, walked in and found a counter and lots of people in a queue.  This was bad for two reasons, one, I don't want to queue, and two, I don't want to stand and drink coffee.  I guess its a New York thing, but most places were setup more for walking in, grabbing coffee and drinking it, like a moronic person, walking down the street.  "My Life is far too busy to not walk and drink".

So, I went to leave.  Which is when I saw Toby Maguire stood in the doorway of the coffee shop making strange wooping noises to a twat wearing a twat hat.  Well, least he's pretty famous.

Birch Coffee on the other hand, was a much nicer place.  And they made me this, the best cup of coffee I had in the whole trip.  A 10 out of 10 on the NYCS.
Yum indeed.

Food was required, and as most coffee shops don't do anything Gluten Free (or so I assumed), I went off to try another recommendation.  Shake Shack.
Yum (even if the fries were a bit pap and they had no mayonnaise)
Although this squirrel had issue with me eating all of my burger and fries.  The little guy got up on the table, climbed into my empty box and eyeballed me after discovering it was empty.  Most unimpressed.
Then, to the last sight seeing of the day, fortunately next door to the burger place.
Again, "oh", picture, then walk on.
Found this building after a brief walk, it reminded me of Berlin and I got homesick.  So, I had some coffee (this was hours later btw, I didn't just walk from one coffee place to the next, even if that would be a good idea)
This time Irving Coffee.  I decided to try something a little different, what with them having strawberry and raspberry syrup on the menu.  Coffee + Strawberry syrup was had.  It was.... Ok.
But, look at this photo below.  What are these little brown patties of joy?
Gluten Free Cookies, sold in a normal regular (awesome) cafe.  Bliss.

Bored Meanderings

Wandered around the city some more, having now run out of interesting stuff to do that didn't involve eating or drinking and saw this guy crossing the street.
 Yep, its spock, just walking around like he's a regular guy, wearing a green hoodie.
After a while, I got bored and was stuck waiting for my belly to get hungry again, so I went to Grey Dog.  But, just look at these people, quiff boy on the far right has to be the worst.
And had a TEA, yep, already had far too much caffeine for one day.
 Then, it was Pizza time.  Back to my favourite Gluten Free Restaurant (and the only one I've ever been).
 I decided to try something different, and it wasn't quite as good.  I like my meat crispy.
 A late night drink of Cider at my favourite (ish) bar.
 With some final, end of the day sight seeing.
 Oooo, I've seen that on 24!!
 And aliens trying to abduct me.
I did see my first cockroach of the trip though, freaking huge thing.

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